Lightning strikes two dead

BATU PAHAT: Two men waiting to pick up their children after school in Seri Medan here were killed by lightning as they took shelter in a hut during a thunderstorm.

A nine-year-old girl, who was also waiting for her father at the hut outside SK Permatang Rengas Parit Karjan, was seriously injured in the lightning strike at 12.45pm yesterday.

One of the men, Huda Janif Abdullah Omar, 35, had told his relative a few days ago to be careful when working in their oil palm plantation because of the bad weather.

The other deceased was Norazwan Juwari, 41, while Siti Nur Aina Hairi, a Year Three pupil at the school, is warded at the intensive care unit in Sultanah Nora Ismail Hospital.

OCPD Asst Comm Din Ahmad said the girl suffered injuries to the head and lungs besides having her hair burnt.

Thunderstorm tragedy: Huda Janif (left) and Norazwan died on the spot.

“The two men, who were farmers, were waiting to pick up their children from school. They died at the scene as they were badly burnt,” he told The Star.

The bodies of the men had been sent to the same hospital for post-mortem.

Huda Janif’s cousin Azhar Mohamad Taib said the farmer had been warning him about the bad weather the past few days.

“He told me that there’s been lightning for two days straight and advised me not go out to our plantation if the weather continues to be bad.

“I did not realise that his advice would be his last,” he said, adding that his cousin was waiting for his two children who were studying at the school when tragedy struck.

“It was quite unusual because his wife would pick up the children,” he said.

Norazwan’s brother Norjayadi said his younger sibling had been caring for their parents at their home.

“He was like my father’s personal assistant as he would take my parents to the bank or hospital,” he said.


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