Get lightning alerts Singapore

The Meteorological Service Singapore has rolled out a new lightning alert service via a smartphone application, website and hotline. When the next thunderstorm comes, you can access real-time lightning information and head for safety.

Lightning can strike as far as 10km or more from any thunderstorm cloud.

Most of the lightning ground flashes occur less than 1km from the thunderstorm cloud.

A 6km watch radius is a good distance for ensuring safety. The percentage of lightning ground flashes occurring within 6km is about 93 per cent.

With the Lightning@SG, users can choose to be alerted when they are within the 6km or 8km radius. The app is available for iOS and Android phones.


1. Lightning generates electromagnetic waves

2. Sensor towers from Lightning Detection System would detect these wave signals and transmit these signals to a central processor.

3. The central processor calculates and identifies the location and characteristic of each lightning.

4. The data is sent to a Web server.

5. Lightning information is made available at Lightning@SG and website*.

*Lightning information can also be found at

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